Early Intervention to Promote Cardiovascular Health of Mothers and Children

Maternal morbidity and mortality rates in the U.S. have risen in recent years. Racial disparities in maternal mortality are particularly alarming, with African Americans having more than 3-fold and American Indians/Alaskan Natives more than 2-fold higher rates compared with non-Hispanic Whites. More women at older ages, or with chronic conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, or obesity are becoming pregnant -- all risk factors for maternal morbidity and mortality. In addition to adverse pregnancy outcomes and poor peripartum health, maternal obesity, preeclampsia, and gestational diabetes are also associated with long-term risk of cardiovascular in the mother. [and poor outcomes for young children]
The Early Intervention to Promote Cardiovascular Health of Mothers and Children (ENRICH) program aims to test the effectiveness of an implementation-ready intervention designed to promote cardiovascular health and address cardiovascular health disparities in both mothers and children (0-5 years old) who are of low socio-economic status, live in low-resource rural or urban communities, or who are in diverse geographic regions of the U.S. with high burden of cardiovascular disease risk factors.
Improving cardiovascular health requires focusing on cardiovascular health risk factors, 2-generation strategies addressing mothers and children, and greater use of settings where families already receive care. Evidence-based home visiting provides an ideal setting to reduce health disparities, reduce maternal morbidity, and promote cardiovascular health in infants and children in ways that can be continued across the life course.